Sunday, September 18, 2011

The 'Ber" Months . . .

On Monday September 12th, I walked into the mission office and found this on the desk . . .
In the Philippines, they celebrate Christmas from September through the end of December ~ the 'ber' months. We had noticed Christmas decorations in the stores starting the first week of September. I know we see that back home in some stores, but this is full blown! We had been told that Jose decorated the mission home starting September 1 and would keep adding through the each week through December . . .

Jose came in the office to see if I liked the little tree. Elder Jewkes made some remark about it being too early for Christmas. So Jose started to giggle like a little kid and proceeded to bring the big Christmas tree and the decoration from the back room. He giggled as he decorated the tree. It was really fun to watch him.
Getting the tree just right in the stand . . .
Getting the tree just right . . . Decorating the tree . . . can you see his smile?
Un-tangling the lights . . . Adding the paper star . . .The finished tree . . . He said he would get the lights up before our girls arrive in November.
Thank you Jose for helping us to feel the spirit of Christmas . . .
even if it is only September . . .

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