Tuesday began our training and also transfers. The missionaries going home came to the mission home for interviews and good byes. We were invited to have lunch with all of them in the mission home. Then we sent them off to Manila. They stay in the Patron House (which is next to the temple and used for patrons going to the temple) and they were able to go to the temple before going home on Wednesday morning.
Friday we had a couples meeting with the President. There are 4 other couples in the mission beside us. It was fun to get to meet them. Since they wrer working on some of the power lines in our area we were without power all day so we went to the Holiday Inn at Clarkfield for our meeting and lunch. I enjoyed trying some new dishes and having a nice salad.
We have our p-day on Saturday. It was spent doing wash, getting some groceries and then driving around the base to become acquainted with where things are located. Driving around the base isn't bad, but when you are off the base it is crazy . . . Wade is now doing all of the driving!
Sunday we attended the Essil Ward in the stake center. It was very much like the buildings at home, but with the Filipino influence . The floors are either wood or tile. We were asked to bear our testimony again. We have been told that we may be asked to speak as well and to be ready at a moments notice.
The people are so sweet and they all look so young . . . I am looking for the fountain of youth that they all visit! The weather has been hot, but not unbearable., Maybe that is because we have air conditioning in the office and our apartment. Then when we are in the car we have air there. I'm sure we will experience the hot weather soon . . . but for now we are just loving being missionaries in the Philippines Angeles Mission!!
Sounds like you're keeping pretty busy. I think you already have found the Fountain of Youth...Nobody I know has skin as beautiful as yours!! Thanks for the updates:)